Join Our Team Now
Your Decision To JOIN OUR TEAM NOW Could Be The Best Business Decision You Ever Make
How This Special Offer Works...
Join Us Today And Receive...
Your Business Start Up Package Which Includes:
1 - Bottle of World Class Nutritional Product - Your Choice!
3 - Marketing - Recruiting Websites!
1 - Your Back Office Tracking System!
6 - SIX-FIGURE Training Audio E-Books!
1 - Tax Advantages Of Your Home Based Business Book!
2 - Live Prospect Closing Calls Per Week!
1 - Live Training/Coaching Call Per Week!
1 - 24/7 Recruiting Hotline - Sizzle Line!
A $497 Value - All For YOU When You Join Us Today!
Terms & Conditions of This Special Offer:
I Understand & Agree That I'm Starting A Business!
You Select Your First Bottle of Product, Your Choice!
You Select Your Monthly Auto-ship Order that Processes 30 Days After Your Start Up Date!
Immediately Share this Website with Everyone You Know & Help Them Share It With Everyone They Know!
#1) I understand and agree that I will pay a ONE-TIME set up fee of $19 on the day I enroll in this special program. This will place me in the highest possible position in the company wide force filled 2 X 15 Matrix. This will also set up my "back office" business center and provide me with all the benefits listed above, including my marketing/recruiting websites, this website, training system, e-books, 24/7 recorded hotline to promote.
#2) I understand and agree that I am starting a home-based business and that I'm participating in American Dream's monthly auto-ship program with at least ONE PRODUCT monthly in order to stay active and qualify for all commissions due me as an "Active" American Dream Nutrition Independent Affiliate Distributor. I understand and agree that I may change or cancel my order at any time by contacting American Dream's customer service office.
#3) I understand by starting my business today, I will receive my first bottle of product, my choice, shipped directly to me, a $55.00 value. Plus, I will immediately receive all the benefits listed above included in this Home-Business System. I will not promote any part of this offer as a free bottle. I will not abuse this opportunity.
The Total Value of My Package is $497.00... All For The $19 Set Up Charge Today!
CALL Our Customer Service Staff To "JOIN OUR TEAM" NOW!
IMPORTANT: We Will Need The Name or ID# of Your Sponsor To Get You Started
Join Our Team Now - Call Us - During Business Hours Central Time:
Tell Us You're Ready To Start Your Home-Based Business
with our "PAY IT FORWARD" SPECIAL Offer.
We'll Pay For Your First Bottle and Set You Up In Business
*Live Office Support: Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm (Central Time)
1-785-534-1470 Phone
Join Our Team Now - Fax or Mail or Email in Your Paper Application:
Ready To Start Your Home-Based - You Can Also Fax, Mail or Scan and Email
Your Application - Simply Print Out The "Paper Application" Fax it, Mail it
or Scan it and Email it to us:
Join Our Team - Call Us - After Business Hours Central Time:
*24/7 Toll Free Live Support Line - 365 days a year -
Call 1-866-822-5559 - Simply Say "I want to join under the "PAY IT FORWARD" Special Offer - Leave your name and best return phone number...
We'll Call You Back during business hours to get you started!
Join Our Team - Email us at:
Email us that you want to join under our "PAY IT FORWARD" Special Offer,
include your phone number, we'll call you back to get you started.
As an Independent Distributor of American Dream Nutrition you will receive all the benefits of membership including the highest possible placement in our “2 X Infinity” force filled company wide Matrix system.
You will be immediately qualified to earn Commissions based on American Dream’s Powerful Compensation Plan. You will also receive Three Marketing websites, plus a Corporate website, there is a “one time” set up of only $19 at time of enrollment.
You can also order our Done-For-You Marketing System for only $49 Monthly to qualify for unlimited generational monthly affiliate coded bonuses of up to $24 per person, per month, unlimited levels deep paid to you, never blocked
You can review this system at:
to see how it works.

You Receive Free Shipping & Handling and Product Discounts on All Gold (2 products monthly) and Platinum (4 or more products monthly autoships) Silver Distributors (1 product) pay only $5.50 Shipping/Handling.
Make Sure and Check Out Our... DONE-FOR-YOU Marketing/Autoresponder
Training/Coaching Affiliate SYSTEM If You Want to Earn The Unlimited Monthly Coded Bonuses! You Can Order This System In Your "Back Office"
As Mentioned above: You can review this system at:
to see how it works.
> You Can Earn Unlimited Generations Deep, Never Blocked - Between $8, $16 and $24 per Person Per Month From all of Your Coded Bonus Legs When Those Members Order and Use This Powerful Recruiting, Affiliate, Educational Product. This Product is Only $49 Monthly and You Receive all the Benefits Listed on the Website Tour listed above.
> You can order this system in your "back office" top left hand side "click" on "Activate A/R System" this will charge you the $49 and immediately set up your system. Then "click" on "A/R Control Panel" to start using your Capture pages, autorespnder system, plus go through all of your Training Audio E-Books. This is a monthly order and qualifies you to earn up to $24 monthly per person in your Coded Bonus legs. Please refer to the Compensation plan for the details on the Coded bonuses.
SMG., American Dream Nutrition, LLC. 2021 All rights reserved. No income claims or guarantees are made or implied. Individual results and incomes are determined by each person's efforts to build and promote their business. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Take as directed and always consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before taking any supplements.